TLC Painting will not, without your permission, sell, publish or share information you entrust to us that identifies you or any person. This statement applies to our business operations in the United States.
What Type of Information We Collect
- Personal information such as your name, shipping/billing address, e-mail, phone, and credit card number when you interact with us for sales, service, support, registration, and payment.
- Customer data or company data which you store and use in our systems.
- Information about your system as it interacts with us such as your IP address and browser information.
- Information about your use of our products and services.
- User feedback, community discussions, chats and other interactions on our website.
What We Do With Your Information
As a steward of your information, we will:
- Use your information to operate our business and to help us improve your experience with our products.
- Use your information to develop new products or services for you.
- Tell you about the products and services that are available to you.
- Give you choices about our use of information that identifies you.
- Give open and clear explanations about how we use information.
- Publish or share combined information from many users, but only in a way that would not allow you or any person to be identified.
- Train our employees about how to keep information safe and secure, and give you information about how to keep your information safe and secure.